Latest news

  1. Amazing developments are coming! We have patented various novel disruptive technologies! Stay tuned!

  2. My seven papers have been accepted at the 22nd International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields COMPUMAG 2019 Paris.

  3. My PhD student Mauro Passarotto won the Best poster grant at the 18th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation CEFC 2018, Hangzhou, China.

  4. I was awarded with a FFABR grant being in the top 12.5% of Associate Professors in Italy in the Electrical Engineering field concerning publication outcomes.

  5. All my seven papers have been accepted at COMPUMAG 2017 Korea. Two of them have been selected by the Compumag board as oral presentations (top 4% of submitted papers).

  6. My PhD student Bernard Kapidani was selected among the three finalists of the Rita Trowbridge Best Paper Award at the 21st International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields COMPUMAG 2017, Daejon, Korea.

  7. The fastest algorithm to date for (co)homology computation in three-dimensional combinatorial manifolds with boundary is described in the following paper:
    P. Dłotko, R. Specogna
    "Physics inspired algorithms for (co)homology computations of three-dimensional combinatorial manifolds with boundary",
    Computer Physics Communications (CPC), Vol. 184, No. 10, 2013, pp. 2257-2266.